The PACE Community Affairs program will follow a proactive approach to communicate with the host communities. We will foster healthy long term relationships with communities through observance of the highest standards of our conduct.

To accomplish these goals PACE will attempt to maintain good public relations with host communities.

PACE will educate all personnel in proper community affairs awareness. All new employees will attend an indoctrination course. PACE consider that it is the duty of all employees to report any confrontations with host communities and prevent confrontation between themselves and members of host communities to the best of their ability.

Accurate and timely reporting of all hostile confrontations or misunderstandings with host communities will give Management the opportunity to investigate and eliminate the underlying causes.

All Subcontractors will be expected to conduct their activities in a way that is completely in accordance with the Company’s Community Affairs guidelines.

Our goal is to foster healthy long term relationships with communities through observance of the highest standards of our conduct and to develop mutually beneficial solutions to reduce the impact of our operations on the host community environment.


It is the plan of PACE to conduct all of its activities in a manner by which the Health and Safety of all its employees, its subcontractors and the communities of the areas in which it works are properly safeguarded. PACE will conduct its activities in line with the Company’s Safety Guidelines, the requirements of our Clients and all relevant Government requirements.

PACE is dedicated to the precept of maintaining the highest possible Safety standards, with the same dedication as production and considers these two objectives to be inseparable. Because an efficient operation is a safe operation, no operation can be considered efficient if it is not safe. ALL ACCIDENTS ARE PREVENTABLE: This maxim is the heart of our Safety Policy.

PACE will educate all personnel in proper Safety awareness. All new employees will attend an indoctrination course. PACE consider that it is the duty of all employees to prevent selfinjury and to safeguard against injury to coworkers.

All PACE Personnel will adhere to the procedures for reporting unsafe acts and working practices, LTIs and near misses. Accurate reporting will give Management the opportunity to identify and eliminate the causes of accidents and near misses which is the ultimate goal of our safety policy.

All Subcontractors will be expected to conduct their activities in a way that is completely in line with the Companies Safety guidelines.

Our goal is to work together in improving our awareness of our own Safety as well as the Safety of all persons involved in our operations.


PACE will protect and promote the health of our workforce as well as to conduct our activities in such a manner to not adversely affect any third parties. PACE will make every effort to:

1. Provide a workplace free from health hazards,

2. Establish a proactive occupational health program to identify and control any health hazards,

3. Ensure that all new employees are physically fit to perform the jobs they are hired for.

4. Ensure that all employees have physical examination yearly to proactively identify any health hazards, which have affected our workforce.

5. Provide facilities capable of responding to emergency situations.

6. Maintain retainer clinics for specialist services as required.

7. Provide first aid facilities at all work locations.

8. Provide emergency evacuation facilities and procedures.

9. Promote hygiene standards and

10. Promote health education.

All Subcontractors will be expected to conduct their activities in a way that is completely in line with the Company's Occupational Health guidelines.

Our goal is to work together in improving our Occupational Health awareness as well as the Occupational Health Awareness of all persons in our operations.


It is the plan of PACE to conduct all activities in a manner that the environment in which we operate is properly safeguarded. PACE will conduct all activities in line with the Company's Environmental Guidelines, the requirements of our Clients and all relevant Government regulations.

PACE is dedicated to the precept of minimizing the effect of our operations on the environment. PACE believes that no operation can remain efficient if it is not environmentally sustainable. This maxim is the heart of our Environmental plan.

PACE will educate all personnel in proper environmental awareness and recycling. All new employees will attend an environmental indoctrination course. PACE consider that it is the duty of all employees to practice environmental management as well as disposing of waste materials in the proper manner to provide a clean and safe working environment.

All PACE personnel will adhere to the procedure for reporting environmentally unacceptable practices, for following proper disposal methods, and developing and maintaining recycling efforts. Accurate and timely spill reporting will give Management the opportunity to identify and eliminate the causes of environmental spills and pollution. Elimination of the cause is the ultimate goal of our Environmental Plan.

All Subcontractors will be expected to conduct their activities in a way that is completely in line with the Company's Environmental guidelines.

Our goal is to work together in improving our environmental awareness as well as the environmental awareness of all persons involved in our operations.


It is the plan of PACE to conduct all of its activities in a manner in which all of the employees, equipment, and subcontractors are properly secure from hostile action. PACE will conduct its activities in line with the Company's Security Guidelines, the requirements of our Clients and all relevant Government requirements.

To accomplish these goals PACE will attempt to maintain good public relations with host communities. In addition, PACE will maintain contact with governmental security agencies and request their assistance when necessary as a deterrent to prevent theft, confrontations with hostile parties, destruction of equipment, or harm to personnel.

PACE will educate all personnel in proper security awareness. All new employees will attend an indoctrination course. PACE considers that it is the duty of all employees to report any theft of company assets and prevent confrontation between themselves and members of host communities to the best of their ability.

All PACE Personnel will adhere to the community relations procedure. Accurate and timely reporting of theft of company assets and all hostile confrontations will give Management the opportunity to investigate and eliminate the causes.

All Subcontractors will be expected to conduct their activities in a way that is completely in line with the Companies Security guidelines.

Our goal is to work together in improving our awareness of our own Security as well as the Security of all persons involved in our operations.

Copyright 2011, Pace Technical And Engineering Services Limited                                                                         Policy & Legal Statement l Policy & Legal Statement